Thursday 7 February 2008

Should I stay or should I go.....'look at me!'

Last week I facilitated a meeting for a team who worked in an organisation where, in the past, the predominant culture had been one of bullying and mistrust, and where there had been a rapid turnover in senior managers.

When the new director arrived, 12 months ago, she asked the team, one by one, what they needed from her most. To her shock, the answer she got most often was ‘to stay’. No more.

She has done more than just stay. But she has never lost sight of the need her team had at that moment for consistence and some stability. Now that they trust that she is in it for the long haul with them, ideas for change come from the team themselves, and reaction to proposed changes are much more constructive than previously.

How often, when we are new to a role, do we think that everyone wants and expects us to make dramatic changes to show we have arrived. Look everyone – here I am. We spend our first weeks and months looking for the things that need changing and planning the change.

And how often do we stop to consider where our teams need consistence and stability for a while in order to regain their energy to implement change?

What is the single most important thing that your team need from you right now?

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