Tuesday, 7 October 2008

What are your brutal facts?

OK, I can avoid it no longer. I will reference the CC but I can't bring myself to type it.

This is a moment to remind myself of one of the ideas from Good to Great (Jim Collins) that has always stuck with me. The need to confront the brutal facts (yet never lose faith).

Few people within an organisation will not have any questions about how it might be affected by global events. Sometimes it feels easier and more reassuring to respond to these questions with reasons why it won't affect this organisation directly, what makes this company different etc. No doubt generating bemused expressions and mistrust from staff who are clearly capably of reading the paper or watching the news.

Facing the reality of the implications of the situation, no matter how frightening for the leadership and the rest of the staff, is more likely to protect the business.

There is nothing as confidence inspiring as a plan that starts with the facts.

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