Tuesday 12 August 2008

Coffee Culture Clash

It was not without a touch of unpleasant glee that I heard that Starbucks were pretty much beating a retreat from Australia. It seems that the savvy Aussies are more keen on their independent coffee shops than one-size fits all Seatle-style coffee culture.

Am I being unfair? You have got to admit that Starbucks are good at what they do, whether you like what they do is another thing. And you could hardly say that they are inconsistent with their brand message.

But it seems to me that this is another example of 'stuck on' culture. Every Starbucks I have been to would seem to be interchangable with every other one, and of course Starbucks is not the only company guilty of this. The lack of connection with, and adapation for, the local area suggests something inauthentic and shallow with no true wish to understand what the customers of that particular outlet want.

Where I find this most grating is in the attitude of the staff - almost automaton like in their responses. I don't regard myself as cynical but it is hard not to suspect that the friendliness is not genuine! And it doesn't have to be this way.

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