Wednesday, 7 May 2008

Discipline, boy!

I am shocked to see that it has been over a month since my last post. I generally point the finger of blame at my friends in the telecoms industry - it has all been so distracting, can't get on with things etc etc.

Of course, that is all just so much flannel.

And it brought back memories of starting a new job myself. How I would get distracted by seemingly endless induction programmes and catch-up reading. Some of this was created by the people I was now working for, who were 'just to busy' to find me something I could actually get on with in my newby state. But some of it was driven by fear that I might finally have bitten off more than I could chew and if I kept my head down no one would find out.

Finding something - one thing - you can do everyday, not matter how new you are, that contributes to the team (or business in my case) and just do it. Next time you turn round you will find you are busy, involved, contributing and well in the swing.

Where can you 'stick with it'?